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12 x Anti Heat Paste for Soldering - STOP HEAT - 500 gr - Package # 12 pcs.

12 x Pasta Anticalore per Saldatura - STOP HEAT - 500 gr - Confezione n° 12 pz. - Foto 1
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Anti-Heating Paste for Soldering and Brazing - Ready to Use

STOP HEAT is a high performance paste product that avoids heat transmission during any welding operation.

Effective on all surfaces, it can also be used vertically. Its chemical composition has particular hollow microspheres and causes a rapid and constant dispersion of heat, preventing its propagation from damaging sensitive parts of the System.

The paste can be shaped as desired and used several times: it is sufficient to wet the product again so that it gets all its effectiveness again.

Non-toxic and non-hazardous, STOP HEAT does not stain and leave no residues.

At the end of use it can be stored again in its plastic package for further applications.


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