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R245fa in T-PED returnable cylinder 40 Lt - 48 Kg - double phase valve (vapor + liquid) outlet ¼ SAE

R245fa in Bombola a Rendere 40 Lt - 48 Kg - valvola a Y doppia uscita ¼ SAE - Foto 1
R245fa in Bombola a Rendere 40 Lt - 48 Kg - valvola a Y doppia uscita ¼ SAE - Foto 2
R245fa in Bombola a Rendere 40 Lt - 48 Kg - valvola a Y doppia uscita ¼ SAE - Foto 3

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    1030 IPCC
Following new
Fgas Reg. (EU) 2024/573

Temperature Range


HFC 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa; R-245fa ) is a product with thermophysical properties and environmental characteristics which allow various applications, such as centrifugal chiller for residential air conditioning, ORC Organic Rankine Cycle for heat recovery and power generation, sensible heat transfer in refrigeration at low temperatures, secondary fluids in commercial refrigeration, heat pumps and passive cooling systems.

Added to the above-mentioned applications, there are various uses as a foaming agent, solvent and agent for aerosol.

Physical and thermodynamic properties:

HFC-245fa has a high critical temperature (154°C), which translates into an efficiency of the refrigeration cycle greater than, for example, that of R134a, having a critical temperature of about 101°C.

Laboratory tests indicate HFC-245fa as a fluid with high hydrolytic and thermal stability.

Application in ORC - Organic Rankine Cycle:

An Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) converts thermal energy into mechanical power to the shaft using a fluid that has in its molecule one or more carbon atoms.

The advantage of the ORC systems lies in the fact that they recover useful energy from sources at a low energy level, such as low-pressure steam coming out of the turbines of thermoelectric power plants, transforming it typically into electrical energy. The efficiency of an ORC varies between 10% and 20%, depending on the levels of temperature and of fluid applied.

The ORC constitutes an opportunity for heat recovery at temperatures between 150 and 200°C, especially if it is not possible to use locally the waste heat. The greater the delta T between the temperature of the source and that of the water of condensation, the greater the efficiency of the cycle.

Application as a secondary fluid to transport heat :

Exchange of sensible heat occurs in those heat transfer processes wherein the exchange fluid does not change phase. Typically, the fluid is in the liquid phase. There is a variety of different applications in the field of industrial and commercial refrigeration as, for example, the secondary refrigeration circuits in supermarkets.

HFC-245fa allows the use of a fluid that is non-corrosive, non-flammable, with favorable characteristics in terms of heat transfer (greater efficiency of the exchanger) and transport (reduction of the absorption of the circulation pumps of the liquid fluid).

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Properties of Containers

The containers provided by GENERAL GAS Srl for the delivery and use of the product supplied, shall remain the exclusive property of GENERAL GAS Srl.
Where containers in which the Goods are delivered are to remain the property of General Gas, the Buyer shall return the same to GENERAL GAS Srl in accordance with General Gas’s instructions, empty and in good/safe condition.
The Buyer shall return the containers empty and in good/safe condition, ex-warehouse of origin at its own expense within:
  • refillable refrigerant refillable cylinders: 180 (one.hundred.eighty) days from the date of delivery
  • refillable refrigerant ton-tanks: 60 (sixty) days from the date of delivery
  • refillable high pressure industrial gas cylinders (nitrogen/oxygen/acetylene etc.): 60 (sixty) days from the date of delivery
GENERAL GAS Srl shall be entitled to retain any deposit given by the Buyer to General Gas in respect of such containers if they are not returned on or before the expiry of the specified period from the date of delivery.
If the containers are not returned in good/safe conditions, thus damaged in such a way to make their use dangerous or banned, GENERAL GAS Srl will be entitled to charge the Buyer of the replacement value of the container, counted at the manufacturer’s official price list value, effective at the date. Valves and fittings, if damaged or missing, will be charged the same way.

Proper Use of Containers

The Buyer shall not refill or use any cylinders/containers supplied by GENERAL GAS Srl for anything other than its permitted purposes, and shall not permit others to do the same. The containers shall only be used for the transport and storage of products for which they are intended; it is therefore absolutely precluded any different use. The containers supplied by GENERAL GAS Srl comply with the regulations in force; therefore, the Buyer will be the only subject responsible of the proper use of container. No responsibility can never be charged to GENERAL GAS Srl if the containers are improperly used or used by the Buyer for scopes others than the permitted ones. The Buyer is not authorized to deliver, even on a temporary basis, the containers - exclusive property of GENERAL GAS Srl - to others to make it fill; the Buyer is the sole responsible for the containers from the time of delivery until they are returned to the GENERAL GAS Srl warehouse.

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