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R513A Opteon® XP10 in KryoBox cylinder 13,6 Lt. - 12,0 Kg. - T-PED

R513A Chemours™ Opteon® XP10 (HFO-HFC) in Bombola Kryobox 13,6 Lt. - 12,0 Kg. - Foto 1
R513A Chemours™ Opteon® XP10 (HFO-HFC) in Bombola Kryobox 13,6 Lt. - 12,0 Kg. - Foto 2
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€ 488,57 / Package(s)
VAT excluded

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(minimum 10 pcs)
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    629 IPCC
Following new
Fgas Reg. (EU) 2024/573

Temperature Range

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Opteon® XP10 (R513A): Low GWP replacement of R-134a in commercial & industrial refrigeration
Opteon® XP10 (R513A) is a non-ozone depleting, low Global Warming Potential (GWP) hydrofluoro-olefin-(HFO) based refrigerant, with a GWP value particularly low (reduction >55% compared to R-134a), developed to replace, with close performance match, R-134a in positive displacement, direct expansion MT commercial and industrial applications.
Opteon® XP10 is safe and non-flammable, extensively field tested and supported by major equipment and component manufacturers.
Opteon® XP10 is suitable for new equipment as well as for quick and easy retrofit of existing systems.
Opteon® XP10 is miscible with POE lubricants.
Opteon® XP10 can be used in positive displacement, direct expansion MT commercial and industrial systems. Opteon® XP10 is also well-suited for use in centrifugal water chillers and to replace R-134a in the MT circuit of hybrid cascade systems with second stage operating with CO2.
  • Opteon® XP10 is azeotrope with zero glide
  • Opteon® XP10 offers energy efficiency and performance comparable with those of R-134a for new systems as well as for retrofit of existing systems
  • Opteon® XP10 is non-ozone depleting with a GWP equal to 572, remarkably lower than R-134a
  • No equipment/lubricant/seal changes required
  • Opteon® XP10 is safe and nonflammable (Classe ASHRAE - A1)
Recommended Lubricants:
Opteon® XP10 is miscible with POE lubricants.

GeneralGas KryoBox cylinders are manufactured in compliance with the European T-PED regulation and are refillable an infinite number of times.

The displayed price includes a value of 30,00 euro, corresponding to the security deposit of the empty container; this security deposit constitutes a binding modality for the return of the container for refilling purposes, as provided for by Article 11 paragraph 4 of the new Reg. (EU) Fgas 2024/573.

GeneralGas also provides an effective refill service for the empty container and subsequent return to the customer (HandyGas service), carried out at the GeneralGas plant in Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI).

Thanks to our exclusive HandyGas Refill and Redelivery service, if you return the empty KryoBox container you will be entitled to receive a new KryoBox cylinder for the price of the refill only (you will therefore only pay the value of the refrigerant gas).

Note: the cost of shipping the empty container from the customer's warehouse to the GeneralGas plant in Cernusco sul Naviglio is borne by the customer.



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