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HandyGas Frigo refill (immediate empty-to-full exchange) Kryon® 456A in KryoBox 13.6Lt/42bar cylinder (10 kg of R456A)

Ricarica HandyGas Frigo (scambio immediato vuoto contro pieno) Kryon® 456A in Bombola KryoBox 13,6Lt/42bar (10 kg di R456A)  - Foto 1
Ricarica HandyGas Frigo (scambio immediato vuoto contro pieno) Kryon® 456A in Bombola KryoBox 13,6Lt/42bar (10 kg di R456A)  - Foto 2
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€ 397,57 / Package(s)
VAT excluded

RFQ for large quantities
(minimum 10 pcs)
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    687 IPCC
Following new
Fgas Reg. (EU) 2024/573

Temperature Range


Important: In order to purchase this refill and have immediate empty-to-full exchange, you must have previously purchased a cylinder with the HandyGas formula.

How does the HandyGas Frigo service work?

The customer, who has previously purchased from GeneralGas/SaldoGas the 6-12.5-13.6-liter refrigerant gas cylinder, including the first gas charge, has automatically activated the HandyGas Frigo service, which entitles the customer to the subsequent “empty versus full” exchange of his container.

With the HandyGas Frigo service, the customer returns the empty cylinder and/or empty cylinders (previously purchased from GeneralGas/SaldoGas) and immediately receives a cylinder filled with gas in exchange.

The same type and quantity of full cylinders corresponding to the delivered empties will be returned to the customer.

The customer goes to the main General Gas and Saldogas locations throughout the country, delivering the empty containers previously purchased

The empty containers will be immediately inspected by branch/agency personnel to verify:

that the container was distributed by GeneralGas and/or SaldoGas (equipped with the HandyGas Frigo sticker)

that the vessel's valve has not been damaged and that the vessel is compliant (no burns, incisions, obvious structural damage), subject to normal wear and tear from use (e.g., scratches on the cylinder's paintwork)

The warehouse delivers the full container to the customer (immediate “empty vs. full” exchange)

The full cylinder returned to the customer, while not new, is guaranteed to be in optimum condition of use, ie:

equipped with a new CLP label, compliant with the new Reg. (EU) 2024/573, indicating the GWP of the gas contained in the container and the total charge expressed in Kg and TonCO2eq.

equipped with a new shrink seal

fitted with an intact plastic cap

tested, i.e., not expired of testing

The customer only pays for the gas refill and does not have to wait for the time to fill his containers!


Strengths of the HandyGas Frigo service:


zero waiting time to receive a full cylinder, upon return of the vacuum;

customer immediately receives a full container upon delivery of the vacuum;

cylinder always in optimal useable condition and periodically re-cleaned within the 10-year terms


the vessels the customer receives are a “guaranteed used”;

the vessels are analyzed and reconditioned each time they are returned to the facility


the customer pays only the refilling cost

the customer no longer has to worry about the 10-year reconditioning of the receptacle, as he or she will always receive a valid and periodically reconditioned receptacle


the immediate empty-to-full exchange service is only possible with GeneralGas and/or SaldoGas receptacles that have the HandyGas Frigo service identification sticker;

empty receptacles owned by the customer will be handled in the standard way (the customer will have to wait for the technical time required to fill his receptacle);

full containers corresponding to the number of delivered empties will be returned to the customer; if the customer needs more full containers immediately, he/she will have to purchase a new HandyGas Frigo container;

the containers the customer receives are different from those delivered, but guaranteed to be in excellent condition and properly maintained;

the cumulative testing certificate for the receptacle may possibly be provided, at the specific request of the customer, when the receptacle is purchased (the customer is aware, however, that once the empty cylinder is returned and the full one is received, the cumulative certificate will be, of necessity, different).

Recipient and manner of returning the empty are in accordance with the new Reg. (EU) Fgas 2024/573 which prescribes:

Article 11 - Restrictions on placing on the market and sale.

Paragraph 4 - Companies placing refillable containers for fluorinated greenhouse gases on the market shall submit a declaration of compliance including evidence confirming the existence of binding arrangements for the return of such containers for refilling, in particular identifying the relevant actors, their mandatory commitments and relevant logistical arrangements. Such arrangements shall be made binding on distributors of refillable fluorinated greenhouse gas containers to end users.

R456A was designed to extend the availability of R-134a in automotive MVAC while providing a cooling capacity boost for older vehicles.

R456A is a drop-in and go replacement, no oil changes or other changes are required.

Since R456A utilizes a HFO refrigerant (R-1234ze), vehicle service can utilize a value added up sale of Shrieve’s Zerol HFO additive.

R456A lowers the GWP of the R-134a system by over 50% (from GWP 1,430 to GWP 687) giving regulators peace of mind that the existing R-134a fleet will “age out” gracefully.


  • Drop-in capability in R-134a auto
  • Same efficiency as R-134a • Up to a 10% cooling capacity boost
  • Non-flammable – easy conversion, same safety classification as R-134a
  • Over 50% reduction in GWP – good news for future availability to service R-134a fleets
  • Ability to up-sale by co-selling with value added solutions for HFO refrigerants


R456A is an ASHRAE A1 classified refrigerant (same as R-134a) that was tailored to be a drop-in replacement for R-134a in automotive air conditioning.

It shares the same energy efficiency (fuel consumption) that the vehicle was designed for by the automaker. When used as a complete replacement, by removing all R-134a and replacing with pure R456A, the cooling capacity of the vehicle is increased by approximately 10% which gives a faster cool down in the hot summer months.

However, in service it is not necessary to do a complete replacement of R-134a. Operators can top off a system with R456A or when pulled into a RRR service machine can be mixed in any proportion with R-134a.

It is advisable to label the system as containing R456A, but if a user wants to move back to R-134a this flexibility is left to the professional service garage without any special considerations.

GeneralGas KryoBox cylinders are manufactured in compliance with the European T-PED regulation and are refillable an infinite number of times.

The displayed price includes a value of 30,00 euro, corresponding to the security deposit of the empty container; this security deposit constitutes a binding modality for the return of the container for refilling purposes, as provided for by Article 11 paragraph 4 of the new Reg. (EU) Fgas 2024/573.

GeneralGas also provides an effective refill service for the empty container and subsequent return to the customer (HandyGas service), carried out at the GeneralGas plant in Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI).

Thanks to our exclusive HandyGas Refill and Redelivery service, if you return the empty KryoBox container you will be entitled to receive a new KryoBox cylinder for the price of the refill only (you will therefore only pay the value of the refrigerant gas).

Note: the cost of shipping the empty container from the customer's warehouse to the GeneralGas plant in Cernusco sul Naviglio is borne by the customer.

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