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SONTARA (SAMPEL) EC Large - DUPONT - high-performance non-woven fabric cloth - 250-sheet 42x50cm package.

SONTARA (SAMPEL) EC GRANDE - DUPONT - panno tessuto non tessuto ad alte prestazioni - confezione da 250 fogli 42x50 cm. - Foto 1
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€ 60,00 / Package(s)
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It's not a normal cloth, it's not paper, it's something completely different.

SONTARA EC® is the new alternative in cleaning modes, a high-tech one that serves professional users.

SONTARA EC® is a cheap and practical system called "POP-UP SYSTEM" to highlight the delivery system immediately ready to use thanks to the special boxes specially designed in various formats so suitable for every use and every user.

THE SONTARA EC® are high-performance cloths, both wet and dry, are versatile, resistant (even to solvents), durable over time, absorbent, hairless, sterilizable in autoclaves but above all they are cheap and ideal for a wide range of applications and sectors.

They do not contain binders, chemicals or adhesives, so they comply with food regulations.

Pack: 250 42x50 cm sheets

Composition: 51% Polyester, 49% Cellulose pulp

Weight/ Weight: 76 g/m" ERT 40.3-90

Width: 0.51 mm ERT 30.5-99

Inherent water absorption capacity: 358 ml/g IES-RP-CC-004.2

Water extrinsic absorption capacity: 378 ml/m2

Intrinsic absorption rate: 9.74 ml/g/s

Extrinsic absorption rate: 775 ml/ m2/s

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